In the latest episode of the podcast Mastering the Clock, Wendy Lloyd-Goodwin, Founder and CEO of LS Law, shares her deeply personal journey of balancing the demands of a legal career with the responsibilities of being a single parent. Her story is one of resilience, determination, and the ongoing challenge of mastering time management—a skill she honed out of necessity and continues to refine as she navigates the complexities of leading her own business. 

The Beginning of the Journey 

Wendy’s law journey began with added responsibilities that few of her peers had to manage—she was not only a dedicated student but also a single parent. The need to balance work and life was not just a concept but a daily reality, even during her university years. This balance was crucial, yet challenging, as she strove to excel academically while being a present and supportive mother. 

One of the most difficult decisions Wendy faced early in her career was to keep her family situation private while pursuing a training contract. She was keenly aware that this added layer of responsibility could be seen as a disadvantage in a highly competitive field. The pressure to perform at work, while managing a household, added stress that required her to be exceptionally organized and disciplined. 

The Struggle for Balance 

Wendy’s approach to time management during those early years was both practical and intense. Her days were meticulously planned—childcare arrangements, university schedules, and household responsibilities all had to fit into a tight routine. At the office, she was all business. Wendy’s focus on work was so intense that she often skipped lunch breaks, choosing instead to stay at her desk. While this level of commitment helped her succeed, it also highlighted a critical flaw in her approach: the lack of a sustainable work-life balance. 

Her routine included keeping a detailed diary, where every meeting was scheduled and checked, then double-checked. This rigorous approach ensured she stayed on top of her responsibilities, but it also left little room for rest or personal care. 

Evolving Challenges 

As Wendy transitioned from being a lawyer to starting her own business, the challenges of work-life balance became even more pronounced. The structured deadlines of school runs and childcare were replaced by the endless demands of entrepreneurship. Without those external markers to signal the end of a workday, Wendy found herself at risk of working around the clock. 

Today, Wendy acknowledges that achieving work-life balance is harder than ever. The absence of fixed deadlines means that she could, in theory, work 24/7—a temptation that many business owners face. However, she has also recognized the importance of taking deliberate steps to protect her well-being. 

Tips for Achieving Balance 

  • Value Yourself: It’s essential to prioritise your own well-being. Exercise regularly, eat well, and remember that these disciplines will positively impact your work.
  • Take Breaks: Even a short, 10-minute walk during lunch can be incredibly refreshing. It’s important to step away from your desk and recharge.
  • Schedule Personal Time: Plan out at least one day each month for self-care activities, like a spa visit or spending time with a friend. Being kind to yourself is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity.
  • Be Accountable: A coach can be invaluable in helping you stay on track. The process of talking things through provides clarity, turning a tangled “ball of spaghetti” into a manageable set of challenges.
  • Surround Yourself with Support: Share your vulnerabilities with trusted friends. They can help keep you grounded and remind you of your goals. 

Ultimately, mastering the clock is about more than just managing time—it’s about managing yourself. By recognising the importance of self-care, seeking support when needed, and being deliberate about how you spend your time, you can achieve a balance that supports both your personal and professional life. Wendy’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, organisation, and the willingness to continuously learn and adapt. 

Mastering the Clock,” with Lisa Levine and Wendy Lloyd-Goodwin. Join us as Wendy and Lisa offer practical strategies and share their experiences to help you master your time and achieve a better work-life balance.