The first we are going to look at is Personalised Medicine

Personalised medicine, sometimes referred to as precision medicine is becoming a new frontier in today’s healthcare. It is the process of tailoring therapeutics to an individual person. The basis for personalised medicine is understanding the role our DNA plays in health and medical conditions. As genetic research advances, there will be a greater shift toward personalised medicine and gene therapies. Medicine will move away from the one-size-fits-all approach in drugs and treatment options and instead customise and tailor medical treatments to an individual’s genetic makeup. 

As technology advances, scientists are able to analyse a range of data about our bodies, including genetic data. By leveraging these technologies and processes, we can uncover associations between a person’s genomic makeup and their health, identify biomarkers associated with diseases, fine-tune patient selection for clinical trials and accelerate drug discovery and disease management strategies.  

By combining and analysing genetic, clinical, medicines and lifestyle data we can find associations between a person’s genomic makeup and their health and identify biomarkers associated with diseases. These patterns will transform how healthcare professionals determine an individual’s risk of developing disease and also allow professionals to detect illness earlier and determine the most effective interventions to improve health.  

Personalised medicine isn’t just about prescribing the best drugs. It’s also about improving diagnosis, predicting the likelihood of someone developing a condition, and stopping a condition from getting worse. It is an exciting prospect and holds much promise for disease treatment and prevention. 

The next area we will explore in ‘The Evolution of the Life Science Industry’ series is Artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics.

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